Friday, June 6, 2008

I'll leave the light on for you.

Any of you suffer from insomnia? I go through bouts of it - having an episode tonight. Most of the time I start off sleeping, get into bed, start to doze off, maybe even actually sleep for an hour or so and then suddenly I'm awake and I can't go back to sleep. My mind races over and over about the same old things- usually about money. I get itchy and restless, I have this weird sensation that the outside of my skin is a different temperature than the inside layers of my skin.

Tonight, my mind was freaking out about how I am going to pay the school deposits for both the Pickle and the Pepper next year... in February. Yes, more than nine months away. Now you understand the lunacy of my insomnia.

Different things work at different times. Deep breathing, stretching, yoga, meditation. Tonight my brain was way too wired for that. So I got up and made a list. Then I started picking up and de-cluttering. I may even resort to balancing my checkbook, I'm that desperate.

After an hour of cleaning up, I walked away because clearly that wasn't helping me go back to sleep.

So now I'm here. Playing catch up a little with you so that maybe my inner task-master hamster will be assuaged (how 'bout that word at 1:23am?!?!), get off her little spinning wheel and nest down into some soft bedding for the night.

We went camping over Memorial Day weekend in western Maryland. Great time- a bit chilly the first two nights and a couple of whippoorwills staying up all night playing "Marco Polo", but other than that...Pepper was so exhausted at the end of each day she slept and slept and slept. We were camping with a group from our church so Pickle had a few of her friends to keep her company. We marveled at how she handled and enjoyed a bit of freedom as she and her friends hung out around the campsite in their own little pack instead of looking to the parents to keep them entertained.

Yes, I did actually go see Duran Duran. The first couple of songs they played were from their latest album and they were fine but once they started playing the classics ("Hungry Like the Wolf" was the first), it was like they were still 25 and I was still in junior high school cutting out pictures of Simon and taping them to my room like a giant decoupage project and holding my tape recorder next to the radio, my finger poised over the "record" button in case they played my request. So much fun. And a surprising number of twenty-somethings there. I'm horrified to think that the reason they were at the concert was probably because they grew up listening to Duran Duran as their parents played it.

Here's how I know my life is actually a sitcom: The other morning as me and the girls are in our typical rush to get out the door for school/daycare/work, I get everyone in the car when the Pickle announces she hasn't eaten breakfast. She's been having trouble waking up as of late and she hasn't wanted breakfast first thing so that day it just sort of got lost in the shuffle.

I ran back into the house to get her a small bowl of Koala Crisp (the organic version of Cocoa Crispies) cereal sans milk, which luckily is how she prefers it. I turn around to take the box back to the cupboard when I misjudge how high I have it above the counter and the box grazes the top of the bowl sending it sliding off the counter. Amazingly, I reach back just in time to catch the bowl and none of the four billion little pieces spill out.

Feeling pretty proud of myself having averted the disaster and showing some finesse in the rescue, I have a little extra spring in my step, which serves to bounce me right off the glass when I walk straight into the closed sliding door. Those four billion pieces scattered everywhere in what I like to call an ad hoc scavenger hunt for the dogs.

Nice huh. What I lack in grace I make up in showmanship, that's for sure. All I need is a laugh track and I could be the next Julia Louise Dryfuss.

Well, folks, I think it may actually be time for me to try that whole sleep thing again. I'm probably not going to edit this post given the time, so you'll forgive me if it's a bit incoherent in the morning.

And if I wake up those of you with Blackberries by the bedside then it's your own fault for signing up for the RSS feed. But you can go back to sleep now. This has all just been a dream.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Is There Something I Should Say?


I've been thinking about you.

I have lots to share, just no time to share it.  But I promise, I'm coming up for air in the next week when the end of school and all that it encompasses comes to pass on Friday.

Meanwhile I'm busy making aromatherapy stress-releasing wraps for all of Pickle's teachers.

The irony is not lost on me.

I promise, I'll be back soon and you'll be reveling in the stories about the minutia of my life.  

Lucky you.

Not the least of which was attending an event that I've waited twenty-three years for.  I'll give you a hint:

See you soon!