If you are also on Facebook, you know that I started last week realizing I misread the scale and I actually weighed five pounds more than I originally thought. So my beginning weight was actually 150lbs, not 145lbs. The exciting news for me is that as of Monday morning I have lost four pounds. Not a huge, number, but I had originally set my sights on two pounds, so really, I am pretty pleased.
The week went pretty well- I did take off Sunday, my body really needed one day of rest and although I didn’t eat optimally, I certainly ate more mindfully and often made better food choices than I have lately.
The exercise routine is tough. It’s only a twenty-minute workout, but I was maybe as sore as I have ever been for the better part of the week. Truthfully, I like the length. I think if this DVD was thirty minutes long, I would have already walked away. Somehow pushing my self to my limits for twenty minutes seems much more doable. The first couple workouts were humbling and there were sections I just couldn’t get through. But I am surprised at how fast my body adjusted and responded. I’m not all the way there yet, but I have gotten to the point where I can keep up with the workout. Somewhere around Thursday, I anticipate moving up to level 2. We’ll see how that goes.