Admittedly, these are not spectacular pictures, but if you never been to our house, these trees are well over 100 years old and very, very tall. This is as good as my zoom lens gets.
As near as we can figure, they are red-shouldered hawks. They are large birds. They are loud birds. They are extremely cool birds.
We've seen one hanging out in a mud puddle in the road after a big storm last week, probably looking for frogs. Today Pickle discovered one sitting on the top porch of the house across the street. I don't have any idea how long it was there but when Pickle showed me, it took off and swooped into the field behind our house. Later when we left the house, it was on a powerline in the field looking for dinner, I imagine.
I don't know if we are a stop-over to someplace warmer for the winter, or if this particular pair is from up north and we are the southern destination. Maybe they've decided to call our little corner of the world home too. Whatever the reason for their presence, I'm happy they are here.
It's impossible to bring them a plate of cookies, so I hope they feel welcome. I'd love for them to stick around for a while.
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