Tuesday, November 20, 2007

My Lesson In Gratitude

About six months before I left Los Angeles I was up in San Jose for a trade show. After working at the convention center all day, a couple of us were meeting some people for drinks and dinner at another, much swankier hotel than the one in which we were staying.

I didn't really know the folks we were meeting, they were business acquaintances whom I had never met face to face until that time.

I remember thinking they were much cooler than me, their jobs much more prestigious. They clearly made a lot more money than I did, and they could afford living in trendy parts of New York City. Their company clearly spent no expense to make sure they were comfortable and staying in an A+ hotel. Although they were funny and welcoming and lovely people, I felt inferior and just a smidge on this side of jealous.

After having a couple of martinis I excused myself for a visit to the ladies room. I walked in and there were a couple of women cleaning the bathroom. One was in a stall cleaning the toilet so I couldn't see her. The other was refilling the paper towels.

As I washed my hands, the woman cleaning the toilet came out. She was young, in her early twenties, Latino. She was very hot and tired; it showed in her face. She was also about eight months pregnant.

She eased herself onto the floor and took a drink of water. I'm sure she wanted nothing more than a nap.

I left the bathroom remembering how lucky I really was.

My wish for all of us this week is that we may all be aware of how much we have to be thankful for and how good we really have it.

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