Saturday, November 3, 2007


So I spent my day chopping up jack-o-lanterns, boiling them and blending them into a puree for the dogs.

What? Does this strike you as odd? Doesn't everyone do this?

Well, the next time your dog is puking up whatever they've eaten from the trash, go buy some canned pumpkin and give them a spoonful with every meal. Pumpkin is a great tummy calmer for pooches. And since I have three large dogs who love to get into the trash when we have the audacity to both leave the house AND leave the trashcan sitting on the kitchen floor (where it always resides), it's always good to add a little pumpkin proactively into the food dish and just accept the inevitability that I will forget to put the trash can on the counter before I run out the door.

It's National Blog Posting Month - or as the hip kids like to call it; NaBloPoMo. I forgot. I thought it was in December and so now I've missed the first two days. Oops. I hope they don't mark me down for it.

In case you've never heard of it. NaBloPoMo is a challenge for bloggers (and wannabe bloggers) everywhere to write a blog entry every day for the month of November. You can join by going to and creating an account. Or, if you already have a blog, I suppose you can just blog away. It's really just up to you. For those of us Type-A's who are always afraid of getting it wrong, you can post your blog entries on both your own blog and the Ning blog. Really, the amount of obsessiveness is up to you- or maybe it's not - depending on your amount of obsessiveness...

Anyway, I hope you give it a try. And, keep checking in here, hopefully sooner or later I'll blog about something interesting.


Daisy said...

:) I'm not quite as type A. I'm only blogging on my own. But it can be fun getting around to read a few of the others!

Dawn said...

I am visiting from the randomizer. That is so interesting about the pumpkin. Our dog was puking quite a bit a few days ago. I have some pumpkin left from the pumpkin meatloaf, I will scrape the rest out and give it to the dogs. They should like it with the meat flavour in it already.

I am type A. I am only posting on my blog, and I have a small post on my Ning saying such.

Thanks for the great tip.